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Leatherface. Ultimate Texas Chainsaw...
Leatherface. Ultimate Texas Chainsaw...
Leatherface. Ultimate Texas Chainsaw...
Leatherface. Ultimate Texas Chainsaw...
Leatherface. Ultimate Texas Chainsaw...

Leatherface. Ultimate Texas Chainsaw Massacre III.

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Leatherface -Clothed- (20 cm)

Texas Chainsaw Massacre III


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Product Details

Estimated availability in October 2024
Texas Chainsaw Massacre



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From the 1990 film billed as the "most controversial horror film ever," Leatherface stands 20 cm tall and is fully poseable.

True to the movie, the blade of his chainsaw is inscribed "The Saw Is Family" and he wears a leg brace.

Comes in blister packaging with resealable protective clamshell featuring new art from illustrator Jason Edmiston.






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