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Ultimate Jason Voorhees. Freddy vs....
Ultimate Jason Voorhees. Freddy vs....
Ultimate Jason Voorhees. Freddy vs....
Ultimate Jason Voorhees. Freddy vs....
Ultimate Jason Voorhees. Freddy vs....
Ultimate Jason Voorhees. Freddy vs....
Ultimate Jason Voorhees. Freddy vs....
Ultimate Jason Voorhees. Freddy vs....
Ultimate Jason Voorhees. Freddy vs....

Ultimate Jason Voorhees. Freddy vs. Jason.

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Ultimate Jason Voorhees

Freddy vs. Jason


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Product Details

Estimated availability in October 2024
Friday the 13th
Nightmare in Elm Street


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The revenant Jason from the epic 2003 slasher mash-up Freddy vs Jason joins NECA's Ultimate line! Resurrected by Freddy to terrorize the residents of Springwood, Jason begins his murderous rampage again. But when he won't step aside for Freddy, a terrified town is caught in the middle of their battle!

This new Jason figure is even more sizable than other Ultimate Jasons, as appropriate for a horror showdown on the movie's scale. He comes with 3 removable masks, 2 machetes (regular and bloody), teddy bear, and fire effect that can attach to either machete to recreate the final blistering battle.

Collector-friendly window box packaging with opening flap.

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